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Best Visual Studio Extensions for Angular Developers

Best Visual Studio Code Extensions for Angular Developers

Without a doubt, Visual Studio Code is one of the most popular front-end IDEs. It’s popularity is due to its speed and customisability with extensions from the marketplace. Even though Microsoft has been improving VS Code to include new features, there are still missing features! I will share the best visual studio code extensions for Angular developers in this post.

Angular 8 Snippets

Angular 8 Snippets

Snippet extensions save me huge amount of time everyday! Why should you retype the same piece of code over and over again? The Angular 8 Snippets extension provides you with 242 Angular code snippets. The snippets follow the official style guide and cover Angular, Angular Material, Flex Layout and ngrx!

Check out Angular 8 Snippets

Debugger for Chrome

Debugger for Chrome

Newbie Angular developers tend to sprinkle components with console.log to step through code. While this is useful, a better way to step through Angular code is to use a debugger. The Debugger for Chrome extension is able to connect to your Chrome session and let you set breakpoints, inspect variables, execute javascript and set watches.

Check out Debugger for Chrome



One of my all time favourite extensions for Visual Studio Code is TSLint! It lints your Typescript code and displays warnings in VS Code. What’s great about TSLint is that it also lets you FIX the errors and inconsistencies in your code.

Check out TSLint

Live Share

VS Code LiveShare

Visual Studio Live Share enables collaboration in real time. It is great for remote pair programming or getting help from your colleague when you’re working from home.

I suspect companies will start using this in the near future to do code reviews ?

Check out VS Code LiveShare

Material Icon Theme

Material Icon Theme

If you’re an Angular developer, chances are you are a fan of Google’s Material design. This is your chance to bake Material design right into your development flow.

The material icon theme comes with hundreds of icons and they’re pretty decent looking!

Check out Material Icon Theme



This is an extension that can change the colour of your Visual Studio Code workspace.

It is very helpful when you have more than one instance of VS Code running e.g. one for Angular and another for your API. It is also helpful during live share sessions because it allows you to quickly identify your editor.

Check out Peacock


I have discovered Prettier based on the comments on this post, I must say I am impressed with this extension. It currently has 5+ million downloads and 4 stars in the marketplace. The developer is very responsive and listens for the community feedback, which is a great benefit.

Umut Esen

I am a software developer and blogger with a passion for the world wide web.

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. srihari

    prettier is also one of the best tool required for the vscode.

  2. ps ravisankar

    Prettier is most useful tool which is missed in the list.