Calendar Component in Angular Material

In this post, you'll learn how to use Angular Material calendar component without date picker input. The calendar component allows date selection in a month view, which could be useful for a wide range of use cases such as booking forms. In addition to displaying a calendar, we will validate…

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Does Angular require defaultProject property?

Migrating your Angular project to version 14 will automatically remove the defaultProject property in angular.json for single project workspaces. Let's understand what defaultProject is and when you might need it. What is default project in Angular? In Angular, a "default project" refers to the primary application or module within an…

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How to Create a Bean of Class from a Java Library in Spring Boot

Spring Boot is a powerful framework that simplifies the development of Java-based applications. One of its key features is the ability to easily incorporate external libraries into your project. By creating a bean of class from a Java library, you can easily inject it into a constructor instead of creating…

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Change Detection in Angular: Default vs OnPush

One of the most loved features of Angular is its ability to automatically update the view whenever data changes. This is thanks to the default Angular's change detection mechanism, which constantly checks for changes in data and updates the view accordingly. While this is great for most use cases, it…

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Generating Routes File for Angular Universal Prerender

In this blog post, I will show you how to generate a routes file for prerendering an Angular Universal application. We will create a basic routes file and append routes dynamically from an XML sitemap ahead of running npm run prerender command when building the application. Pre-requisites This post assumes…

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Fixing Angular Unit Tests: Cannot read property ‘range’ of undefined

While upgrading Node from v12 to v16, I came across a problem with Angular unit tests where an exception would stop the test run with error Cannot read property 'range' of undefined. In this post, I'll explain the steps I took to identify the root cause of issue and propose…

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Angular Universal: Setting HTTP Status Code

Angular Universal gives superpowers to traditional Angular apps such as server-side rendering (SSR) and full features using Express.js server. This allows us to implement features like returning HTTP status codes in appropriate scenarios. In this post, I will show you how to set the HTTP status code from an Angular…

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Error: Cannot resolve type entity i3.DialogModule to symbol

While updating my Angular Material Starter Template to Angular 14, I ran into an error causing broken builds. The console output seems to suggest this is a problem with Dialog module from Angular Component Dev Kit (CDK): Cannot resolve type entity i3.DialogModule to symbol. ./src/polyfills.ts - Error: Module build failed…

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Using ng-deep in Angular

ng-deep is a special selector in Angular that you should use very carefully. I often come across ng-deep in code reviews, where I investigate further to see if it is really necessary. In this post, I will talk a little bit about ng-deep: what it does, where it is useful…

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Making Styles Work with [innerHtml] in Angular

In this post, we'll look at how we can apply styles to html content rendered via innerHtml attribute. By default, styles defined in an Angular component only work in that specific component. This is due to the Emulated view encapsulation policy set by Angular. This logical scope is great because…

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AZ-900 Exam Practice Questions with Answers

This is a list of practice questions for Microsoft Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) exam with answers. Question You need to deploy a serverless solution that meets the following requirements: Execution is triggered through an HTTP request.You pay only for the time that your code runs.You do not have to manage the…

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How to Use Angular Material Theme Colours in Your Components

Angular Material comes with pre-built themes to make getting started easy. Once you've picked a theme such as indigo-pink, you may want to re-use the base colours in your own components for consistency. Instead of creating your own scss variables, I would suggest copying base colours from Angular Material. Let's…

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