Read more about the article How to Switch Git Branch with Local Changes

How to Switch Git Branch with Local Changes

I find myself working on the wrong branch locally far too many times - enough to write a post about it. If you have been working on the wrong branch, your commit could be blocked by git: Please, commit your changes or stash them before you can switch branches. Git…

Read more about the article How to Queue Messages Sent to LiveAnnouncer

How to Queue Messages Sent to LiveAnnouncer

Angular provides LiveAnnouncer service to trigger screen reader announcements programmatically. It works well in simple scenarios but fails to queue messages when used concurrently. In this post, I will show you how to extend LiveAnnouncer to announce simultaneous messages. Problem demonstration There are many things to consider when it comes…

Read more about the article Automate API Documentation with NSwag

Automate API Documentation with NSwag

Producing documentation is a laborious task that most developers dislike. Considering software delivery is an iterative approach, maintaining documentation becomes a full time work, especially for public APIs. For small teams and solo devs, tools like NSwag can do the heavy lifting of creating and maintaining documentation. Benefits of NSwag:…

Read more about the article Enable CORS in .NET Core

Enable CORS in .NET Core

Due to the same-origin policy, most browsers restrict making requests to different domains than the originally served the website. This is a security feature that prevents a harmful site from accessing sensitive data on other sites. If you are developing an API though, cross-origin requests (CORS) are something you want…


5 Angular CLI Tips You Should Know

As Angular developers, we often interact with the command-line interface (CLI) to scaffold components and manage packages. It is very important to master the CLI to make sure your development flow is smooth. Having developed several Angular applications myself, I have come to realise the 5 tips below. [toc] Shorten…

Read more about the article How to Use PDFjs to Parse PDF Documents in Angular
Parse PDF documents with pdfjs in Angular

How to Use PDFjs to Parse PDF Documents in Angular

In this post, I'll show you how to parse a PDF document in Angular. We will extract full text content of a PDF file using pdfjs-dist library. Generate a new Angular application, if you do not have one already: ng new PdfReader Install the latest version of pdfjs-dist from npm:…

Read more about the article Monitoring Live Angular Apps with Application Insights
Azure dark

Monitoring Live Angular Apps with Application Insights

In this post, I will explain how you can monitor Angular apps using Microsoft Azure Application Insights. It is not unusual for organisations to ignore monitoring single page applications. Usually, back-end applications such as APIs are monitored via logs, CPU and memory usage. When it comes to front-end, there is…

Read more about the article How to Sort Array of Objects by Date in JavaScript
JavaScript Sort Array of Objects by Date

How to Sort Array of Objects by Date in JavaScript

I recently had to figure out how to use JavaScript sort to order objects by date property. JavaScript sort method is available on array objects in JavaScript. It mutates the array, which means it modifies the elements of the array while sorting. The sort method has excellent support across all…

Read more about the article Best Visual Studio Code Extensions for Angular Developers
Best Visual Studio Extensions for Angular Developers

Best Visual Studio Code Extensions for Angular Developers

Without a doubt, Visual Studio Code is one of the most popular front-end IDEs. It's popularity is due to its speed and customisability with extensions from the marketplace. Even though Microsoft has been improving VS Code to include new features, there are still missing features! I will share the best…

Read more about the article Simplifying Angular Components with Route Resolvers
Simplify components with route resolvers

Simplifying Angular Components with Route Resolvers

I often come across Angular components that retrieve data from a remote API inside the ngOnInit lifecycle hook. While this is an easy way to load data into the component, it can can increase the size of the component and lead to duplication. A better approach is to use route…

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Read more about the article Angular Testing Overview
Angular Testing Overview

Angular Testing Overview

Angular is a modern, highly performant application framework. Learning Angular is one of the best things you can do in your career as a web developer. But it is no good if your code does not work, which is where a good test suite comes into play. I have built…