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How to Create a Bean of Class from a Java Library in Spring Boot

Spring Boot is a powerful framework that simplifies the development of Java-based applications. One of its key features is the ability to easily incorporate external libraries into your project. By creating a bean of class from a Java library, you can easily inject it into a constructor instead of creating concrete dependencies.

In this article, I’ll show you the process of creating a bean of class from a Java library.

What is a Java library and why use it in Spring Boot?

Before we dive in, let’s understand what a Java library is and why it’s beneficial to use one in your application.

A Java library is a collection of pre-compiled classes, methods, and other resources that provide additional functionality and features to your application. These libraries are created by developers to solve common problems and offer reusable code that can be easily integrated into projects.

Using a Java library in your Spring Boot application can save you a significant amount of time and effort. Instead of reinventing the wheel and writing code from scratch, you can leverage the functionality provided by the library, allowing you to focus on the core logic of your application.

This approach promotes code reusability and modularity, enabling you to build robust and scalable applications.

Creating a bean of a class from a Java library

Let’s explore the steps required to create a bean for a class from the library.

The first step is to add the Java library as a dependency in your project. This can be done by updating the build.gradle file for Gradle projects. Once the dependency is added, you’ll need to refresh your project to ensure the library is downloaded and available for use.

Next, you’ll need to configure the bean in the application context. The application context is where you define the entry point with @SpringBootApplication. It is responsible for managing the beans in your application.

@Bean annotation allows you to define the bean directly in your Java code. We will simply annotate a method with @Bean and specify the class of the bean.

Spring Boot will automatically create and manage the bean for you.

public class MyServiceApp {

    public static void main(String[] args) { .class, args);

    public PdfConverter pdfConverter() {
        return new PdfConverter();
}Code language: Java (java)

Start with annotating the entry point of your Spring Boot application with @Configuration as shown above.

Next, simply create a method and annotate it with @Bean. Specify the return type of the method as the class of the bean.

Injecting the bean into other components

Now that we have successfully configured the bean in the application context, let’s explore how to inject the bean into other components of your Spring Boot application.

Dependency injection is a key feature of Spring Boot that allows you to easily manage and wire together the components of your application. By injecting the bean into other components, you can utilise its functionality and leverage its capabilities.

There are several ways to inject the bean into other components. The most common approach is to use constructor injection. This involves adding a constructor to the component class and specifying the bean as a parameter. Spring Boot will automatically inject the bean when creating an instance of the component.

    public DocumentFormatter(PdfConverter pdfConverter) {
        this.pdfConverter = pdfConverter;
    }Code language: Java (java)

Another approach is to use field injection. This involves adding a field to the component class and annotating it with @Autowired. Spring Boot will automatically inject the bean into the field when creating an instance of the component.

public class MyService {
    private PdfConverter pdfConverter;
}Code language: Java (java)

You can also use setter injection, where you add a setter method to the component class and annotate it with @Autowired. Spring Boot will invoke the setter method and inject the bean before initialising the component.

public class MyService {

    private PdfConverter pdfConverter;

    public void set(PdfConverter pdfConverter) {
        this.pdfConverter = pdfConverter;
}Code language: Java (java)

Using the bean in Spring Boot applications

Now that we’ve covered the process of creating and configuring a bean from a Java library in Spring Boot, let’s explore how to use the bean in your applications.

Once you configure and inject the bean into your components, you can access its methods and properties just like any other object in your application. This allows you to leverage the functionality provided by the Java library within your Spring Boot application.

To use the bean, simply call its methods or access its properties in your code. You can also pass the bean as a parameter to other methods or components, allowing you to utilise its functionality throughout your application.

It’s important to note that the bean’s lifecycle is managed by Spring Boot, so you don’t need to worry about creating or destroying the bean yourself. Spring Boot will handle the instantiation, initialisation, and destruction of the bean automatically.

Common challenges and troubleshooting when creating a bean from a Java library

While creating a bean from a Java library in Spring Boot is generally straightforward, there may be some challenges or issues that you encounter along the way. Let’s explore some common challenges and troubleshooting techniques to help you overcome these obstacles.

One common challenge is ensuring that the Java library is properly added as a dependency in your project. Double-check the pom.xml or build.gradle file to ensure that the library is correctly specified. Make sure to refresh your project to download the library if necessary.

Another challenge may arise when configuring the bean in the application context. Ensure you specify the class of the bean and that configure any dependencies properly. Double-check the XML-based or annotation-based configuration to ensure accuracy.

If you’re experiencing issues with dependency injection, verify that the bean is properly injected into your components. Check for any missing @Autowired annotations or incorrect usage of constructor, field, or setter injection. Ensure that the bean is accessible within the component’s scope.

If you’re still encountering issues, refer to the documentation of the Java library and Spring Boot for any specific troubleshooting steps. Additionally, consider reaching out to the developer community or support channels for assistance.


In this article, we explored the process of creating a bean of class from a Java library in Spring Boot. We discussed the benefits of using Java libraries in your Spring Boot application, the steps to create a bean, and the process of configuring the bean in the application context. We also covered how to inject the bean into other components and the usage of the bean in Spring Boot applications.

Happy coding!

Umut Esen

I am a software developer and blogger with a passion for the world wide web.

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