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Introducing My New Blog

As the year 2022 comes to an end, I am pleased to introduce my new and improved blog!

I’ve been working hard in my spare time for the past several months on this project. It has been challenging at times but I am really happy that I finally hit the publish button.

Why I rebuilt my blog

One of my new year resolutions back in 2019 was to start blogging to document my learning in public. So I started this blog to share my findings, which I can easily find and refer to later. Hopefully other people have found these posts helpful, relevant or interesting.

Like the 43% of the internet, I started my blog with WordPress. With its ease of use, great community and tens of thousands of themes, WordPress was the right choice, and it served the purpose well!

I have always wanted to build my own blogging platform to add features as and when I needed them. While there is almost always a way to achieve the same thing with WordPress, it never felt right to use drag and drop page builder (a.k.a. Elementor) as a developer.

In addition, I wanted a personal project for experimenting with new ideas to promote creativity. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to do this at a professional work environment so I am looking forward to maintaining this project in the long run!

Here are the features of the blog:

  • Animations and page transitions
  • Ability to comment on posts and reply to existing comments
  • Category filter on the blog page
  • Integration with useful tools like Google Analytics and Mailchimp

Tech stack

This is the tech stack of the new front-end application:

  • Angular 14 + Angular Material
  • Angular Universal for server-side rendering and static page generation
  • GraphQL for querying data from headless WordPress
  • GitHub for source control
  • Docker for containerisation
  • Azure Pipelines for continuous delivery
  • Ubuntu server for hosting

I have had a lot of fun rebuilding my blog and learned a great deal!

Have a look around and let me know what you think in the comments below!

Umut Esen

I am a software developer and blogger with a passion for the world wide web.

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